Very costly Diamond in all over the world-History of Diamond

                              KOHINOOR DIAMOND

I hope We all know which is costliest diamond in all over the world?
That is great "Kohinnoor Diamond" at the same time it is most curse diamond also 


Before 200 years ago kakitiya Dynasty were start mining at the golkonda located in Andhra pradesh during that time they take this diamond from the undergound of sand actual weight is 700 carat.In that time that area king is discussed with asterologer and their ancestors so on...In that time after research this diamond said that this diamond is a one of the curse if anyone hold this diamond in his/her hand definitely he face many problem after that dead is very sadfull after hearing this news that King kakitiya were keep the kohinoor Diamond at the temple because he think think this is safe after hear this news one of the king Alavudin khalji he were doing roberry and stolen the things like that he come to that temple and stolen the Kohinoor Diamond.
After one month this Alavudin Khalji were died on behalf of killed by their area people for his character.

 In addition to  next this diamond was  taken over by shajahan he also died beacuse he was killed by his son so who are all holding and dominating with this diamond all of them died with sorrowfull story after this when English East India Company occupied and dominating the India in that time they take kohinoor diamond from India and instantly England Queen was ordered to take and come the konhinnor diamond to me.But this history was analyzed by all of them for that all soldiers were panic to lifted to England but england Queen ordered for that they lifted to there with filled of panic in ship while going in ship most of them suffered with stomach pain,diarrhoea,fever and also like seasick they think this is the effect of the diamond after that they safely reach the england in that time they not remember where keep that diamond in ship instead of one hour it is last after that it will find in ship by a small boy he got appreciated from their government .After this all problem this diamond is safely exported to Queen victoriya after see this diamond she said When men king owning this diamond he will face more problem and dead with sadful story but in the same time women Queen were owning this diamond it goes forward with the success after she tell that lines then only british all of us get happiness..when that diamond size is 700carat but she was attached in crown center like round size with 100 carat.still now that diamond were able to see in her crown.For that only England was and were and will moving as a Queen Kingdom..

After earn this diamond in england they win the war ,and also queen's family also lived with a good manner..

Why it is named as kohinoor?

When this diamond were in persian king his wife were keep name as a "Kohinoor"in persian it is meaning as "Mountain of Lights" ...


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