New born baby -are u know ur born day?

Basically we have one weakness that is when we have angry or sadness in that time we saw a baby we forget all thing and goes happiness moment in our lifetime it is precious moment  and also god gift.

Anyone think your's bornday in ur life are you remember anything about that i hope that all answers are "NO",okk let we talk about bornday in our lifetime
1.First off all we proud to be a we are the son/daughter of our beautiful and amazing parents so that we tell" thank god".

2.we know we all are in our mother's stomach then we will born after 10 months,but we dont know when we are inside the stomach what we do ?


 1.when we are in stomach we float inside with water and blood at the mother's is help that to swim in water but later we not practice that how to swim..

2.while we are in stomach we drink our urins more times it is mixed with mother's blood it is a amino acid.

3.when we will go outside for 10 days or hostel in that time we see think"shut!If I am in my  home i will eat my mother's food its very tasty "this thought definitely blowing in our mind this will connected to our baby's life.Yes when we are in mother's stomach 
in that time our mother eat food that taste will know still end..

4.when we are in mother's stomach we hear our mothers voice and also father voice see that how fantastic that god's that time we read any usefull books it is helpful and hearing about that.

5.when we are in baby we have 300 bones 
After that that is fuse together eventually now it is 206 bones.


 1.when we come outside from our mothers stomach then we landed on earth as a new born baby first that baby were cry at that right moment it understand that the bornbaby is physicall fit and heart and lungs were allright

2.instantly that born baby search his/her mother with the help of  him mother's voice then you have one question now that is that child why didnt search father's voice?.during that baby is inside mother stomach she speak alltime to that baby where father speaks is rarely than a mother

3. After that baby born for three or four weeks that baby is able to see just 30 centimeter because that have very small eyes after that 30 cm eye sight is blur and its disappear

4.New born baby were fully depend on him mother's stomach  after landed on earth "God will tell that baby now you are independnet on your life".

5.For that baby there is no knee for one or two month its on growth step by step instead of that place there have a soft skin it able to cover that specific bones and muscles.

  Now we know about our bornday see god's creature as a something different .

   Thankyou for reading.....#newborn baby 


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