EIA 2020 Draft -Environment Impact Assessment

                      EIA 2020 DRAFT

Many of them see this word "EIA"in our friend's status or social media but we didn't know briefly about EIA 2020 for that you read fully this blog ..

Is this neccesary to know about EIA?

Absolutely Yes ,Because this is one of the act in our India ..

What is EIA? Why it is need to know about EIA 2020 ? What is the history of EIA?

What is EIA?

If one big industry or some manufacturing company is constructed in any one place for that industry that specific owner got a certificate for the environmental surroundings and how they put a waste of that industry if anybody affects for that industry this all measures were taken by the EIA certificate for approval to construct the Industry..

History of EIA

EIA is a Enivronmental Impact Assessment during 1894 bhopal gas tragedy is blast in that more than 1000 people were affected and dead for that our government introduce a new act that is know as "EIA".It is introduced in 1886 but officially it comes on 1994 .when this EIA comes this is more powerful followed with a stict rules in that time more industries are run with correct manner up to 2006 I mean up to 2006 EIA act is run in good manner after that they reduce some stict rules from EIA.
For example before 2006 if one industry or some manufacture company  is constructed at one place that people were affected by something due to that industire any district or state people were registered complaint  for illegal activity after 2006 this is reduced as that specific area people only complaint to the higher officiers if other district people was registered a complaint means it is not acceptable..like that more changes will admit on EIA 2006 draft..

Why did EIA talken by more people nowadays is it problem to our nation?

Basically we have one major problem with ourselves if one problem arries in our nation we don't take any action or precautions even we dont see that problem if that same problem arries in our house or ourself we take suitable action and also take remedie to solve the problem .This only happen in our nation also this problem is now affect our nations so we dont take any action else most of them don't know about EIA but this is definitely distrub or affect ourself or our house

How did this affect our house ??

If we sleeping in night time after early morning we get up while we see outside near our house find a one big coal Industry was running that industry waste was flow into the specific area roads (infront of our house)this is affect our life or ourselves and too next generation.If we ask any question to that owner of Industry or complaint to the police it is not acceptable because this is a rules any industry can occupy any environmental.source or anything ...Earlier we see this is affect our nation but im this paragraph we see this will affect our lifes too..

What are the defects are facing after this EIA 2020 draft upadated?

1.If any Industry like pharmacist and stell company etc...and also including projects like digging to take coal ,some other things for that they don't want to
Submit their environment sources and also they not need to approval for EIA certificate

2.After one industry is constructed in that specific area people were cause side affect due to that Industry for that specific area people enrolled a complaint is not registered because EIA2020 tells that only government officers and also that specific company owner will only able to register a complaint..

For example :If I run one mobile company where customers are coming to buy a mobile in that time I said don't come to buy a mobile because all phones are duplicate and damaged so won't buy my shop mobile phone like this only rules were admitted on EIA2020 draft updated..

3. If one industry will construct in india they have all rights up to 1,50,00acres for ex airport because airport only gave these much acres but in EIA act given up to 1,50,000acres for  industries...

4.This act is expired on Aug 11,2020 with in between days please we should know about EIA and tell your friends and also parents and neighbourhood all of them

Some of them have one question is it increase our economy ?

Yes definitely our economy will increase  and more job opportunities are awarded but at the same time we use a chamber in nose filled with oxygen because they destroy our forest and more things especially the word "nature".

If anybody thinks what can I do just I am people of country what will I do?

After read this article you further search for EIA and share your friends and your parents however we trending our celebrity birthdays # in twitter and also we increase followers of celebrity but why can't we oppose the EIA 2020 so please think that one .

When I watch more news channel but no one telecast about EIA they are showing what ever favour to government for their TRB

I didn't ask anything to you since all blog but this blog is very important we should know about what is EIA why people are opposed so please read and share your friends and talk to your parents too


I support to withdraw the EIA2020 draft update .
what about you ?

Not Today Never Tommorrow 


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