Iron Lady Indira Gandhi Last Day In her Life

In this blog we see about Last day of Indira Gandhi Life

How she was died?

On October 31,1984 at 2.23pm she was died officialy announced by Indian Government in that all people were felt sad and they think "We miss our Iron Lady "and also cry a lot ...Most of the country ministers also depressed after hear this news..

Why she was dead?

We know she was a honest prime minister and she works for people always .when she was a prime Minister she faced a more number of problem and became victory ..

1.In her period pakistan were attacked India at border by military for that our Indian military were give suitable answer for their attack after India victory they got a bangladesh from pakistan this was very good news for India and also our Iron Lady Indhira Gandhi

2.After that Indira Gandhi faced one of the big problem that is called as "KHAGISTAN".Indian punjab and Pakistan punjab(shikkism)both want a separate state that named as Khagistan for their opinion Indira Gandhi shows a Red flag and she didn't accept for khagistan it makes more angry to shikkism people and they form a big group they settled and stay at the Golden Temple at punjab in that time one of the DGP were go talken with that group without the violence in that time they killed that DGP where this news was heard by Indira Gandhi she call Indian military and shoot down that group inside the temple on june month two days this cleaning process were processing for in that time more military and khagistan people also dead nearly more than 1000 people after two days Golden temple was purely cleaned by indian military

After this Indira Gandhi makes some trouble and panic she realized she was dead by shikkism people that time also she was fully served to our nation and also Indian people and she was not eat properly for 1 month after more days are gone away she was cancelled more meetings in that time government says to Indira Gandhi If you want take outside shikkism people whom as her bouncer but she was not take any step for that...

After so many months gone,on october 31 1984 8.00 Am she was went to her prime minister office in that time Indira Gandhi Bodyguard two member were shoot the Indira Gandhi with the help of Gun she was got around 10 shots in her body in that time also she not dead in spot sonyaGandhi took her to AIMS medical center after they give more treatment to Iron Lady she was died...But in that time also she not panic about his life she is one of the people fighter in lifetime....

Thankyou For Readers...❣️


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