Part-3 about keezhadi -proud of tamil and archaeology

We will continue along with part-2

During first three excavation at keezhadi research is conducted by our Indian archaeology department after that 2017 keezhadi is closed ..Then how and who opened keezhadi..??Let we see now

This all thing where happened in keezhadi were silently observed by tamilnadu government and archeology department after that our state government take decision  put a case at supreme court about keezhadi close and why amarnath ramkrishnan is transfered still now supreme court dont take any legal action  from this case ..

Tamilnadu government undertake keezhadi

we all see sivaji movie like that our indian archaeology deprtment came forward to research our keezhadi after that they find a lot of things with proofs so  indian  archaeology department closed keezhadi these all thing where observed by tamilnadu government and archaeology department and our state government and archaeology departmemt file a case in supreme court but still now they dont take any legal action so that our tamilnadu government undertake the research at keezhadi and also it is one of the best thing taken by our tamilnadu archeaology department
for that central government dont give any fund for the research and tamilnadu archaeology faces more problems in different side and they overcame from all of this problem our tamilnadu government give a fund ₹25Lakhs for fourth excavation and also during research they find a lot of things like small industries ,some footprint of animals,urban cities and so on..

Who support and stand with tamilnadu archeaology to research keezhadi?

After central government stops fund to keezhadi harvard university is tigh up with madurai university to research the keezhadi and also announced some funds..There is a one slogan that is "When one door is closed another door is opened like that central government closed the door but we dont think american number one university come forward to research the keezhadi...god opens another door for research in keezhadi and still now harvard and maduri university were research with tamilnadu archarology at keezhadi..

In that one good news they not only research keezhadi also research nearly four villages...namely as manalur ,
agaram and konthagai these are villages also researching started at 2019 during fifth excavation our tamilnadu governmemt alloctes the 60 lakhs in that time fifth excavation is led by  Dr.sivanantham sir  belong to tamilnadu archaeology department and still now work is progress with the help of american university and our tamilnadu governmemt..

Just I ask one question :

Earlier in delhi they start research in one place for that central government issue number of crores and also recently they celebrate a grant function which is host by Narendra modi sir for that one specific program they fund number of lakhs..and also central government construct a one museum near delhi for that they spend number of crores why they dont help and not funding to keezhadi...Likewise they construct one big museum at uttar pradesh and also asaam..

But Our tamilnadu archaeology dont take any steps to open keezhadi.. it still had been closed but we will win and proud that tamilnadu archaeology opens and still work is progress and also they finished two excavation third excavation is started at feb2020 where host by our tamilnadu chief minister k.palanisamy sir.

I hope that all are aware about keezhadi..and know about keezhadi and also winning moment of tamilnadu archaeology..



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