Unknown island -africa

Hii Guys welcome to all,In this blog Let see the two islands in africa but at same time that two island is connected to the india..

Yes ,India buy the two island from africa that is agelaga,assomption island 
This is agelaga island it is in mauritius near africa ...
This is assomption island it is in seychelles near same africa 

Why India bought these two island??

From earlier still now most of the products were import and export through the ship with water transport .In that transport china and india are maintained best relationship of water transport after a many year during 2013and 2014 china conquer the many island in srilanka ,pakistan ,afghantistan etc..

How china capture island on other country ?

Basically we know china is the most developed country .During 2013 they discover a artificial island in their place it contain additional of numbers island were discovered by china..And also their hungry was an unstoppable..They also conquer the other country island except india .

For example :china went to any country for building construction and some other construction work and also china targeting very small countries after finished their construction work china estimated the money for specific constructed building is too high so in that time they conquer the island .....

After seeing this,india think china conquer all neighbourhood country island so we take any steps..For that 2015 they buy a island with legaly near africa.because that island is center part of most of the country these two islands are important way to transport more countries especially for china..

How africa accept to give a island to india?

These two islands are most identified and plays a majore role in africa.when give a aggrement to buy a island from africa ,africa government also accept to give a island to india..In that more policy and schemes were binded with in that aggrement.

1.In that specific place people give a free education for student. 
2.in that island they are following same india time.
  3.Also india enable the listening station for a audio frequency in that island because of india moves a militiary for that island.
Within this five years india do more useful works in that island place..still now also africa - india relationship is friend tendency.
Still now our india militiary were protect island including that african people they also co-operat with india...
In this modern tech no one allows other country to occupy their Island or land something but africa accept that give island to india it is one of the proud moment because they beleive india and indian militiary
There is one rule if one country have island means in that with in 200 nostrils that island is for specific country after the 200 it is for United Nation Organisation..

Did you know about these island before itself..comment about your experience..



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