Ankgor Wat - unknown history

                        ANKGOR WAT

Did u know what is Ankgor wat or did u just heard this word anywhere .I hope mosy of the answer are NO ..Let we see about Ankgor wat 

We raise more question 

What is angkor wat?
Where it is located ?
For these question we will see breifly about ankgor wat

Ankgor Wat :

Ankgor wat is a world most biggest temple for Hindu people.It is located in cambodia country .This temple was constructed by Suryavarman ,he also king in cambodia .Let we time travel to go history 

History of Ankgor Wat:

We know that Before 200 years tamilnadu was ruled by chera,chola,pandiya like this more kings were ruled in Tamilnadu in that that chola king were more powerful armies and soldiers for that if they join in any war definitely they win like that they win more war and also occupied more island sea shore or near sea shore because in that they are well in export and import proccess to other country through the water by ship but there one problem like this they win in war and occupy a some place in that place chola keep a acting king in all occupying place but he follows all instruction and rules by the chola king and that acting King was collect the tax from people give to chola king this is the process were followed in early ages..

How Ankgor wat is constructed?

Like that they  occupied a specific place in cambodia for that place chola king keep a acting king is called as khmer Empire all kings were passing away with the instruction of cholan after that Suryavarman was king of cambodia in order of khmer Empire system but chola kings were devotted a lord shivan but suryavarman devoted a  lord vishnu we think what difference all gods are same but before stage it causes big problem so king  pause the connection with chola king and he ruled separately that cambodia country in that this King was constructed a big temple
now it is called as Ankgor Wat.

After suryavarman has a king he faced more wars for that storing a food materials,weapons for war for that only he constructed that biggest temple that temple is look like island because three sides water and one side is land it is one of the different architectural building in history ..

Why it is unique architectural ?

1.In India all temple were constructed in the East side but ankgor wat is constructed in west side.
2.In this temple there is three statue of god such as chandran,Vishnu,Brahma in tamilnadu there is no temple for these three gods not only tamilnadu including india 

3. In 12 th century this temple was occupied by buddhist so this temple as Hindu - Buddhist temple.

4.This temple is printed in cambodia country flag and also that is tourist place for all people per year 60%of tourister coming for that temple

5.Due to big temple on one side of temple fully sculpted mahabaratam full story and another side is Ramayanam .


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