Russian sleeping Experiment.


From topic itself we can think why there is a experiment for sleeping ? Is it necessary for our life ..Let we see briefly about this 



 In earlier during second war we all know russia get victory and dominate the germany  unfortunately after second world war all countries were decide arise of third word war for that all countries make super power of their own military by the way of strength,weapons,various protective method  

Russia conquered Germany  before we see all country military were  get training from resource person including russia also interefere in that project.And also in that time  Russian scientist were think that our military was working hard in that time we would find something for them .For that they establish one project that is called as SLEEPING EXPERIMENT. 

Motto of  Experiment:

If russian military not sleeping for 10 days with working hard for their victory of  upcoming wars ..It is the motto for the scientist for that they test a some person..

By whom they checked?

They checked with the help of germany people who is in prison so called as prisoner of Germany.From that russia selected five person from germany people because earlier I said germany under controlled by Russia .


Scientist make a one big room attached with bathroom and also they enable the gas chamber with that specific room that gas chamber is for some not sleeping purpose they fitted into that room and also that room were close in all sides with the CCTv cameras, and audio also recording .First time that testing germany person were opposed we dont do like that they said after that russian government give one good and sweet news to them "If u were finished this project successfully  then we leave you to your own country"from this words they accept and that five members were gone inside in that room. Without sleep for First five days that germany people were observed by that scientist via CCTv camera and also their voice also recording at recorder in that scientist understand that they share their life's personal things with sadness during sixth day germany five people were asking please relase us from here because we are facing many problem from our body like that they say with crying but soviet Russia government not even turned around their side because that scientist target were 11 days without sleeping after that sixth day CCTvs and recorder were broken by that five person from that onwards that scientist could not observe anything from that room after that four military man were went to that room and taken from outside but there slightly changes that within four ,three military man were killed by the five germany person and that five germany person were look like an animals behaviour like they attacking between four germany person ,biting with each other so their entire activity was changed..From that in spot three person was died and fourth person asking a that I want gas know!but scientist analyze if he attained these gas for one hour he also died after that one person was able to talk he said that if we lost our sleep at day by day we seen many changes in our body atlast we attain animal's activity and mental.

From this experiment we learnt that for all human beings sleeping is neccesary in our life and sleep for min 5 hrs to max 7 hrs it give mind refreshing and giving a new ideas 


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