Unknown history-Berlin Wall -Germany

                               BERLIN WALL

Most of them don't know about Berlin wall because this topic is not in our school books or any other books..so we discuss about the Berlin wall

What is Berlin wall?
Where it is siutated?
Why it is constructed?

We see answers for above question 

History of Berlin wall:

As we know Britain,America,France,Russia are four countries get victory of second world war.There is one rule in war if one country win the war they have priorty to occupied a portion of lost country in war.For that these four countries were occupied Germany,Japan and so on..In that Germany was divided into East Germany and west Germany.East Germany was controlled by Russia ,West Germany was controlled by America,France,Britain ...

What is Berlin? Why we talk now ?

After russia was occupied one of biggest and separate portion that is East Germany.In east germany Berlin was siutated ,it is the capital of Germany like delhi in India.But there one major problem ..

In east Germany Russia was followed Communism 
In west Germany that other three were followed capitalism

What is communism and capitalism?

In east germany people don't want to go job or they dont undertake any self business per month for all people issued wages by their russian government .But when we read this one we too like this process but russian government not built any Industry for east Germany welfare but they take sources,raw materials export to their native Russia.This make East Germany people so depressed.

In west Germany all people were go to different job and earn wages like our Indian Society it is called Capitalism.And also America government introduce more industries and developing their strategic and west germany people welfare for that they like that Capitalism scheme.

After East Germany people was decided to go to west Germany more than 100 people seeing this one suddenly russian goverment release one rule "No one go to west Germany for that we have constructed one wall at border of East Germany in Berlin so it is called Berlin wall"They were officialy announced by Russian government .For that they built big wall in Berlin as per the Annoucement of Russian government..

After some months this wall process is finished  it makes second sad news for East Germany people Earlier that Communism process itself they got so depressed.

After constructed the Berlin Wall more than 50 military was standing at top of the wall with missile it was very risk to East germany people and russian government issue another rules that is if anyone cross the berlin wall to west Germany that military was rights to shoot down that people.In that time more than 300 people were died..

After 25 years during 1990 accidentaly all people were come forward to demolish that wall by whole East Germany People after seen this russian government fulfilled with panic they dont make to stop anything that people.In that time they demolished the berlin wall and also they enjoyed a lot .From that onwards still now there is no border in berlin.


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