BOHEMIAN GROVE

For example we take two celebreties for them their fans were strike with misunderstanding while releasing movie but naturally that two celebreties were friends and supporters in nature, like that in earlier stage at 1878 more richest business men were meet at one specific place for 2 weeks like a big boss house that place is known as BOHEMIAN GROVE.

In this blog we gain knowledge about that bohemian grove...

What is bohemian grove?

What is the special to that place?

Let we see briefly!

Bohemian Grove is the Place near California in USA. It is private property owned by San Fransisco and in that time that specific place were called as Bohemian  Club.

Why it is called as club?

 In july month last two weeks all businessman and richest man were meet at that specific club  and also having more rules and regulations for that place..

Rules and Regulation:

 1.Only business man and richest man were able to go inside including media members also not eligible to go inside ..

2.That business man and richest members were pay the valuable cost and they got a membership before while enter tin that Club.

3.That specific member only priorty to enter into that club he is not carrying family members also..

4.No womens were enter into that club.

5.Inside the club that business member were restricted to talk about their own business..

6.They didn't take their mobile and communication facilities..

7.If non -membership were try to go inside in this club they were prisoned 

8.After finish 14 days that members were go outside then they don't tell anything about what happened inside..

In our street anybody take further steps to any new process definitely we will eagerly look that one.Like that California people were  most eagerly waiting for What happening inside in that club..But unfortunately no one tells about that one .Media also eagerly waiting more than is started at 1878 onwards..

Jones was prisoned!

Jones was a journalist ,In 2000 he was decided to go inside in that club so he was take irregular steps to go inside as per that he went inside in that time he saw a OWL STATUE that size is very big then after he went far distance and also he saw a  one negative god they devoted that 14 days ..After this research he come out and released proof later he was prisoned still now he is in prison..

Still now this meeting is followed as per that above mentioned rules....

Motto :

They sacrifice that 14 days with happily without any business thoughts ..

This blog is very small script but I hope you gain knowledge and more information from this topic..

Thankyou !



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