THE ICEMAN

While two friends were went for trucking at the simulan mountain in the border of Austria and Italy on september  1991.In that time they saw a one death body at that mountain immediately they call the police .But earlier I said this mountain is the border of the two countries unfortunately both of the countries were opposed.to rescue proccess atlast Austria Government accept to do for that police were take over that death body during that time his half body were in the land other half is in inside of Iceburg..finally they take that deathbody and admitted at hospital for further process.

In that time that two friends and that police were taught that he is death before two or three days.  But unfortunately after postmortem doctor were tell the shocking news about that death body..."That man is not death recently he is death before 5000 years ago but his body is naturally preserved as mumified..After heared this news police were shocked...For one month this news were trending at all over the world .Further studies were going by the scientist with that body in that time Italy also file a case "we also have equal rights for that death body".For that, court declared a news that is keep Research at austria and Keep the body in Italy as per that it is processing till now.

What is the status after hearing this news?

The police were searching in that respective death body place at that mountain for any proof and information about that specific death body..In another side all country scientist were come to austria and italy to make further study about that death body.

After that they releasing more facts and news about that death body...

Who is that death body?.why his body is preserved?

That man name is Otzi.Due to mumified his body so assume he was related to some king's family or king .Unfortunately he was murder with the head arrows on the left shoulder it caused a fatal wound so he was death it refers he were died in last war at the simulan mountain.Atlast he eat the dinner as a one full meat of some animal..

What did police were find out?

police were find one bag near his death body at that specific place of simulan mountain.After they search further proccess in that time they find a one incredible device with Bow and arrow but bow is made in terms of Copper.It is very costlier now...At that same time that till now scientist were try to know about that device but no one can detect that device...


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