World Oldest man -seen about more facts

 Basically In our lifetime most of them loved their grand parents as much of the parents .Because they tell more stories which experienced throught their life time,carable person as per that we know that for one person maximum age is 70 s to 80 s .But in China ,Le Ching -yuen he attains 250 years old age man.During 6th may 1933 he was died.But no one belives his age and also most of them dont know about him...Let we see how he lived and his lifestyle.

 Le Ching -yuen  families are traditionaly based on the herbalist and also homeopathy from his childhood days he also involved and got experienced for 20 years.Later he got bored up after that he joined as a protective secretry for china's king in 17 s century he worked a lot of years after he get 70 years old that king make him as retired from his protective position..But Le Ching -Yuen accept this with very sorrow mood.After that asusally he started a herbalist busineess ,while he attains 100 years old more people beleive that he was a great herbalist and Homeotherapy from china's king he recevied award for he attained a 100 years old ....Then he go to more countries to visit like Tibet,Thailand,and so on...for his Herbalist Project...

He married 24 times in his lifetime..and also he saw a 15 generation from his lifetime .While he was attained 150and also 200 years old age at that time also he got rewarded by China's king later in 18s century he got a award and appreciate from their Communism government also..after that he was called by more universities and also in one meeting which was organized by China government.In that time he tell one riddle for that one still now no one dont know correct definition "SIT LIKE A TORTOISE ,WALK LIKE A PEGION,SLEEP LIKE A DOG.If u know the meaning for above riddle decoded and comment in comment box....On 6th May 1933 he was died but western countries were not beleive about him whom attained 250 years old ..But china people were strongly beleive that one and also they have a proof like that reward certificate,while he attend the meeting Photo  ..


While tajmahal were constructed in that time he was born and he live during the stage of King ruler after that changing of the Communism at china atlast he died at 19 century .....

If u know any mystery or did you want any interested topic just comment ❤️


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