
Showing posts from September, 2020

World Oldest man -seen about more facts

 Basically In our lifetime most of them loved their grand parents as much of the parents .Because they tell more stories which experienced throught their life time,carable person as per that we know that for one person maximum age is 70 s to 80 s .But in China ,Le Ching -yuen he attains 250 years old age man.During 6th may 1933 he was died.But no one belives his age and also most of them dont know about him...Let we see how he lived and his lifestyle. HERBALIST    Le Ching -yuen  families are traditionaly based on the herbalist and also homeopathy from his childhood days he also involved and got experienced for 20 years.Later he got bored up after that he joined as a protective secretry for china's king in 17 s century he worked a lot of years after he get 70 years old that king make him as retired from his protective position..But Le Ching -Yuen accept this with very sorrow mood.After that asusally he started a herbalist busineess ,while he attains 100 years old more people beleiv


                    BOHEMIAN GROVE For example we take two celebreties for them their fans were strike with misunderstanding while releasing movie but naturally that two celebreties were friends and supporters in nature, like that in earlier stage at 1878 more richest business men were meet at one specific place for 2 weeks like a big boss house that place is known as BOHEMIAN GROVE. In this blog we gain knowledge about that bohemian grove... What is bohemian grove? What is the special to that place? Let we see briefly! Bohemian Grove is the Place near California in USA. It is private property owned by San Fransisco and in that time that specific place were called as Bohemian  Club. Why it is called as club?  In july month last two weeks all businessman and richest man were meet at that specific club  and also having more rules and regulations for that place.. Rules and Regulation:  1.Only business man and richest man were able to go inside including media members also not eligible to


                          THE ICEMAN While two friends were went for trucking at the simulan mountain in the border of Austria and Italy on september  1991.In that time they saw a one death body at that mountain immediately they call the police .But earlier I said this mountain is the border of the two countries unfortunately both of the countries were rescue proccess atlast Austria Government accept to do for that police were take over that death body during that time his half body were in the land other half is in inside of Iceburg..finally they take that deathbody and admitted at hospital for further process. In that time that two friends and that police were taught that he is death before two or three days.  But unfortunately after postmortem doctor were tell the shocking news about that death body..."That man is not death recently he is death before 5000 years ago but his body is naturally preserved as mumified..After heared this news police were shocked...For one


                  MK ULTRA PROJECT  All of them like their own country no one can oppose this one .I am not talking about rulers just I am talking about our own country .But one country people were killed by their own country government ... Did you know what reason or why that happened or which country do this one ? These questions were blowing in our mind  Let we see briefly  After second world war  more countries were involved in some experiment previous blog itself we see that specific reason ...But America thought is entirely different they think we use  all our Guns,bombs etc while we use this one our country people also dead in that way they establish and introduce a new method that is   known as " BIOLOGICAL WAR ". What is biological War ?How it is related to the people? American's CIA's was full responsible for this MK ULTRA projects .American scientist were seriously working hard for their project  What is the task given to american scientist? They discovered

3500 years sleeping King@EGYPT

Our blog motive is around us there have more history and mystery  about more topic from some interesting topic I will post the blog .Comment your opinion in comment box Now we continue with the New article Today .First of all Welcome to all Of you💙 EGYPTIAN ARCHEAOLOGY SURPRICE MOMENT Basically more archaeology members were like to research at the Egypt from various country . Like that One british archaeology   Team were reading and searching some thing in egypt at the place of King Valley on 1925.In that time one small boy serve the water to all archaeologist after he return back from that place suddenly he fell down due to strike of one big stone While that time all archaeology team were planned to take out of that stones due to distrubance But unfortunately for their hardwork comes true while they removed that big stone they see a one subway with huge undergound building they were eagerly go inside while going in that time they saw a more craft work at wall and also more diagram at

Dwaraka Mystery -Unknown facts are known By Reading

                      DWARAKA MYSTERY  HOW MANY CITIES DO U KNOW?.It is very easy to tell like Mumbai,chennai etc like that we know many developed cities.But before 3500 years there is a city called a DWARAKA .We all watch Titanic movie in that ship is go under the sea like that this dwaraka city also in under the sea while constructed. In this time we arise more question What is dwaraka city when it is constructed by whom it is constructed?? In 1984 Indian Government were announced to archaeology team clean the dwaraka beach in Gujarath.For that S.N.Rao with his team they went to cleaning purpose in that beach unfortunately they also find a big building like palace and more statue under the depth of the sea .From that onwards that archaeology department start their work to take the statue  and one whole city under the sea while S.N.RAO ask fund to our Indian Government ₹14C but our government oppose to give that specific fund if our government give that specific fund means he found a

Oak island -most cursed island

 Hii Guys ! Welcome to todays with new topic                         OAK ISLAND Before that I ask one question How many of them know about Oak island I hope all answers are "NO".We tell easily which is most dangerous island that is Andaman and Nicobar Island at the same time most cursed island is Oak island .But this is very small topic. Where is Oak island ? Oak island is in Nova scotia at Canada for that island there is one big dark mystery let we will see briefly about this one.. DARK MYSTERY: In 19th century Oak island looks beautiful and also that island native people were enjoyed their life with smooth and comfortable.In that time this island was most attracted by British for that they kill the all native people whom staying at that island unfortunately British captured that Island they live in that Island .British people developed more industries and business in that Island so their wealth were increase but there one history  if anyone constructed industries and also s