
Showing posts from August, 2020

Russian sleeping Experiment.

        RUSSIAN SLEEPING EXPERIMENT  From topic itself we can think why there is a experiment for sleeping ? Is it necessary for our life ..Let we see briefly about this    MYSTERY OF EXPERIMENT:  In earlier during second war we all know russia get victory and dominate the germany  unfortunately after second world war all countries were decide arise of third word war for that all countries make super power of their own military by the way of strength,weapons,various protective method   Russia conquered Germany  before we see all country military were  get training from resource person including russia also interefere in that project.And also in that time  Russian scientist were think that our military was working hard in that time we would find something for them .For that they establish one project that is called as SLEEPING EXPERIMENT.  Motto of  Experiment: If russian military not sleeping for 10 days with working hard for their victory of  upcoming wars ..It is the motto for the sc

Syberian Ice Princess -sleeping for 2600 years

 Hi Guys ,after a long gap we will see this blog .sorry for that inconvinience                    UNKNOWN FACTS Just imagine you have one land in that land you built a building for that you diging inside your land for some measurable size in that you find a one big box while digging a hole you got very suprise and Breaking moment you eagerly waiting for taking a big box from outside after that you saw a death body in that box but there are nore twist also obtained that body is not degradable it is seen very flesh with skin and this is one lady dead body without degradable.During this incident you got shocked and this is one of the trending news for whole world .. But above news is not dreams by the way it is true happened in Russia .One day Russian archaeology was finding in Serbian diging work was proccesing in that time they find a lady death body but without degradable. INSIDE IN BOX: In that box they find a one lady death body without degradable and two sides are surrounded with mo

Flight Crash +Landslide Disaster=Kerala sufferings

 In 2020 we see more problem with huge pandaemic virus ,recentally we see two sadfull news while happened in kerala  1.Flight Crash at kozhikode 2.Landslide at munnar  These two incidents were see in this blog  Most of them have more doubt  Why this flight crash would happened? We know that in India especially tamilnadu,Kerala,mumbai and so on..these places have raining from one month due to starting of rainy season .In kerala four airports are international airports including Kozhikode due to this pandaemic corona virus most of Indians were suffered in dubai for that our India goverenment take over all Indians from dubai and this project is named as" Vande Bharat". We see more information from media about this crash such as tabletop runway this is main thing.. What is tabletop runway? In kerala,koozikode airport is worst airport in maintanance and structure of construction works because it is hill station . In mountain one of the flatside they make a runway for aeroplane tha

Beirut Huge Blast -Recently Happened

                              BEIRUT BLAST Recentally we all of us know or hear about one huge blast at port in Beirut .It is the Capital of Lebanon country in the middle East. In social media or news we see blast vedios also that we got sad and guilty because more than 150 members were died and also more than 1000 people got injured and that injured people counting were increased day by day .. Why it is happened ? Before that we just see their history  Lifestyle and history of Lebanon people:    Lebanon country is near to Iran,Saudi arabia ,Israel .Lebanon country was full with nearly 20 religions maximum muslim and christin and more number of languages it is main reason to create a problem .In 2005 feb14th rafik hariri was killed by bomb blast he is a father of Lebanon country after that his son was choose has a leader for the country...In Lebanon usaually happen more religious problem earlier I said it is filled with 20 religious for that one their leader was killed by bomb blast .B

Ankgor Wat - unknown history

                        ANKGOR WAT Did u know what is Ankgor wat or did u just heard this word anywhere .I hope mosy of the answer are NO ..Let we see about Ankgor wat  We raise more question  What is angkor wat? Where it is located ? For these question we will see breifly about ankgor wat Ankgor Wat : Ankgor wat is a world most biggest temple for Hindu people.It is located in cambodia country .This temple was constructed by Suryavarman ,he also king in cambodia .Let we time travel to go history  History of Ankgor Wat: We know that Before 200 years tamilnadu was ruled by chera,chola,pandiya like this more kings were ruled in Tamilnadu in that that chola king were more powerful armies and soldiers for that if they join in any war definitely they win like that they win more war and also occupied more island sea shore or near sea shore because in that they are well in export and import proccess to other country through the water by ship but there one problem like this they win in war and

Unknown history-Berlin Wall -Germany

                                BERLIN WALL Most of them don't know about Berlin wall because this topic is not in our school books or any other we discuss about the Berlin wall What is Berlin wall? Where it is siutated? Why it is constructed? We see answers for above question  History of Berlin wall: As we know Britain,America,France,Russia are four countries get victory of second world war.There is one rule in war if one country win the war they have priorty to occupied a portion of lost country in war.For that these four countries were occupied Germany,Japan and so on..In that Germany was divided into East Germany and west Germany.East Germany was controlled by Russia ,West Germany was controlled by America,France,Britain ... What is Berlin? Why we talk now ? After russia was occupied one of biggest and separate portion that is East Germany.In east germany Berlin was siutated ,it is the capital of Germany like delhi in India.But there one major problem .. In east Germa

Article 370 -jammu and kashmir

                              ARTICLE 370 On August 5,2019 the article 370 was canelled off by our Indian government .For that rules cancelled in india have 28 states and 8 territories.But this incident didn't know many of the youngsters .Let we see briefly about  What is article 370? Why it is established? What is article 370? Article 370 is established for jammu and kashmir beacuse their welfare and and safety of jammu and kashmir people  History : Let we time travel before 70 years before during 1947 british government give three option to all of our state that is 1.If u have willing to join with India 2.If u having willing to join with Pakistan 3.except both of them if u stand separate state this three chance was given to the all our state in that India was separate state and hyderabad ,mysore all places were separate country  before independence  after India offers some article for all state for their welfares and their own status of the people  When all states was attached w