
Showing posts from July, 2020

How Bangladesh is formed -just we see history

              How Bangladesh is formed ? During 26 march,1971 bangladesh is officially declared as a specific country in south asia but most of them don't know history of How it is formed separated country  History of Bangladesh formed? In pakistan there arrive a problem with east and west pakistan basically both of them are muslims together but they different with the languages .In east pakistan they talk bengali and in west pakistan they talk urudu in that time mohammed jinnah was a prime minister of pakistan from west pakistan and he announced as a urudu only their national language for that east pakistan members were opposed that but economically and socially west pakistan is more power compared to east pakistan after that their pakistan government also dont take any steps to East pakistan after that they treated like slaves by west pakistan so East pakistan think that we also people of pakistan we also have all rights in our country for that we seated a prime Minister from our

EIA 2020 Draft -Environment Impact Assessment

                      EIA 2020 DRAFT Many of them see this word "EIA"in our friend's status or social media but we didn't know briefly about EIA 2020 for that you read fully this blog .. Is this neccesary to know about EIA? Absolutely Yes ,Because this is one of the act in our India .. What is EIA? Why it is need to know about EIA 2020 ? What is the history of EIA? What is EIA? If one big industry or some manufacturing company is constructed in any one place for that industry that specific owner got a certificate for the environmental surroundings and how they put a waste of that industry if anybody affects for that industry this all measures were taken by the EIA certificate for approval to construct the Industry.. History of EIA EIA is a Enivronmental Impact Assessment during 1894 bhopal gas tragedy is blast in that more than 1000 people were affected and dead for that our government introduce a new act that is know as "EIA".It is introduc

Kargil war -India's Great Victory -1999

            KARGIL WAR-1999 In this blog Let we see about kargil war between India and Pakistan  Why this kargil war happened? Kargil is the place of Jammu and kashmir near srinagar pakistan keep the eyes at the  place of kargil because this place is the way of srinagar and Ladhak range if they occupy the kargil then they occupied the jammu and kashmir it is the plan of pakistan for that they execute a plan ... How India faced this war? During 1998 election was held in that time BJP party wins all over India Mr.Atal Bihari Vajpayee he were chosen as a Prime Minister and he take the seat of prime minister in that time he focused the second nuclear bomb test were held at pokhran and it is named as a pokhran2 this is one of the best work and more countries were give respect to the India this full victory and proud were going to Mr.Atal Bihari Vajpayee. In that time pakistan were start execute their plan for that they enter into the Ladhak range and also they are not wear th

Why Rolex watch is costly ??

                  ROLEX WATCH We know that rolex watch is very costly compared to all brands.. We raise more question like why it is more cost?How rolex manufacture started? Let we see one by one  History of ROLEX: Rolex owner is Mr.Hans wilsdorf he is belong to England first he started a small watch business like marketing from switzerland to England but this is not satisfy to him..we know that switzerland is the place of manufacturing Mr.Hans wilsdorf he went to switzerland to make a one of the famous watch company during that time there is no watch for mens because womens only wear bangles for that they only use watch also..this make Mr.Hans wilsdorf insufficient satisfication for that he decided to do a faboulous and precious watch for womens and mens.. Why this watch is more costlier than other brands?? We know that precious brand king of all company watches that is "ROLEX". 1.At manufacturing Rolex watch Industries have a gold fa

Iron Lady Indira Gandhi Last Day In her Life

In this blog we see about Last day of Indira Gandhi Life How she was died? On October 31,1984 at 2.23pm she was died officialy announced by Indian Government in that all people were felt sad and they think "We miss our Iron Lady "and also cry a lot ...Most of the country ministers also depressed after hear this news.. Why she was dead? We know she was a honest prime minister and she works for people always .when she was a prime Minister she faced a more number of problem and became victory .. 1.In her period pakistan were attacked India at border by military for that our Indian military were give suitable answer for their attack after India victory they got a bangladesh from pakistan this was very good news for India and also our Iron Lady Indhira Gandhi 2.After that Indira Gandhi faced one of the big problem that is called as "KHAGISTAN". Indian punjab and Pakistan punjab(shikkism)both want a separate state that named as Khagistan for their opinion Ind

Pokhran- First Nuclear Test -proud.of India

                        POKHRAN Hii ,Happy sunday to all viewers! In this blog we see about the history of Pokhran What is Pokhran? Phokran is the village and municipality of jaisalmer district near Thar desert suitated at rajasthan in India. Why we taken pokhran? During Iron Lady Indira Gandhi period were first nuclear test was held at pokhran on may 18 1974  that day is a buddha's purnima (buddha's birthday).. History of Pokhran: Before independence all Indians were decided to make the nuclear bomb without help of other countries.After Independence during jawarhlal nehru period he undertake all remedies for make a nuclear bomb at that time they don't know any formulae and equation but they know Uranium and plutonium were main source to designed a nuclear bomb for that Sir Homi baba were chief executer for that designing a bomb,he said that we dont have any nuclear station in India first  necesary to built a station for that britain,canada,america were give
                    INS CHENNAI(D65) In this blog we see about INS Chennai (D65) it is one of the third navy ship in india it is guided only for missile destroyer during war time and also it protect our country too. Why it is named as chennai ? INS Chennai is designed to carry the supersonic BrahMos surface-to-surface missile system. The system enables the ship to engage shore-based and naval surface targets at long range making it a lethal platform for strike against enemy targets INS chennai were constructed by mazagon Dock Limited (MDL)after that during 17 april 2017 this ship was dedicated to the city of chennai in the presence of Mr.palanisamy.There were three famous navy ship in India such as Ins kolkata,Ins kochi,Ins chennai  these are the most powerful and defence ship were used by navy.Ins chennai is the most updated . Construction of INS Chennai: 1.Length of the ship is 163m from initial point to terminal. 2.speed of the ship is 56 km/ per it is very high com

Part-3 about keezhadi -proud of tamil and archaeology

                          PART-3 We will continue along with part-2 During first three excavation at keezhadi research is conducted by our Indian archaeology department after that 2017 keezhadi is closed ..Then how and who opened keezhadi..??Let we see now This all thing where happened in keezhadi were silently observed by tamilnadu government and archeology department after that our state government take decision  put a case at supreme court about keezhadi close and why amarnath ramkrishnan is transfered still now supreme court dont take any legal action  from this case .. Tamilnadu government undertake keezhadi we all see sivaji movie like that our indian archaeology deprtment came forward to research our keezhadi after that they find a lot of things with proofs so  indian  archaeology department closed keezhadi these all thing where observed by tamilnadu government and archaeology department and our state government and archaeology departmemt file a case in supreme co

Just know about some history of keezhadi

                          KEEZHADI I am glad to tell this is my 10 th post and thankyou for all of your support ❣️                             PART-2 we will continue along part-1 . Earlier we see about place of keezhadi and excavations and also Mr.amarnath Ramkrishnan  Why amarnath ramkrishnan was transfered?? Mr.amarnath Ramkrishnan work in keezhadi for three years and he finished three excavations with 120 sites after he work honestly with found a lot of information he was transfered to assam...but he forced to give a report from indian archaeology but they are disclaimed to give the report for three excavation .. After that one person belong to indian archaeology he was a next officer to research the keezhadi this person was belong to north indian he see this place and he find just 10 sites and this person says"This place is useless and dont waste time and money for spending to research this keezhadi"and he stopped the research and also keezhadi is closed... During

Proud of tamil-Tamilan-archaelogy

                             PART-1 In this blog we see about keezhadi it tells about history of tamilans,living style of ancestors, and also it gives a lot of information .when I refer information about keezhadi I got goosebumbs for their living style.. I hope all are know about the keezhadi..Let we see briefly about keezhadi Before that I ask one question to you in our school books we studied history about  more kings just think Did we study about any tamil king like cheran,cholan,pandian But I tell it is impossible..and i hope all.answers are "NO"because we say tamil is the first language and also Tamil is the head of all languages but we dont have any proof in old historical place just we have books like periyapuranam,sillapathikaram and so on..this is our strong weekness..and also we study harrapan civilization,indus valley civilization and so on its all in northern side and also this all topic were appeared in our books..just think our government recently changed sylabu

Unknown island -africa

Hii Guys welcome to all,In this blog Let see the two islands in africa but at same time that two island is connected to the india.. Yes ,India buy the two island from africa that is agelaga,assomption island  This is agelaga island it is in mauritius near africa ... This is assomption island it is in seychelles near same africa  Why India bought these two island?? From earlier still now most of the products were import and export through the ship with water transport .In that transport china and india are maintained best relationship of water transport after a many year during 2013and 2014 china conquer the many island in srilanka ,pakistan ,afghantistan etc.. How china capture island on other country ? Basically we know china is the most developed country .During 2013 they discover a artificial island in their place it contain additional of numbers island were discovered by china..And also their hungry was an unstoppable..They also conquer the other country island except india . For e


Let we see about a one of the safety country in the world . I hope we all heard that  country name is switzerland Yes, SWITZERLAND is the one of the safest country in all over the world... Can I ask one question to you ??        If anybody see news and daily newspaper did you gather any information about switzerland ????.I hope all answers are NO because switzerland is not interfere with facing of other country problem let briefly see about switzerland crazy news  ABOUT SWITZERLAND :   Why switzerland is safest country ??    Switzerland is very small country with smallest population it is situated near the germany,france and so on.switzerland is didn't participated  at first and second world war with any country. SCHEMES and RULES for PEOPLE: 1. After a research many scientist tell that in switzerland average age for human being is 60 or 70 because all switzerland people submit their health care details and report to their government for each year and also for that cost also too lo


Let we see about pandameic virus we all are think that virus means "CORONA VIRUS" before that one pandameic virus were spread in all over the country during first world war 1918 -1920 that is so called as "SPANISH FLU" .I hope that we all are hear that name and know about something  that pandameic virus let we see briefly about that virus  Where is originate?  We thought this virus is originate from the spain so it is named as spanish flu but its totaly wrong now corona virus were originate from china but we dont have any evidence or proof something to prove like this spanish flu is originate from france at that same there is no.any evidence and proof spanish flu is spread from france.. HISTORY OF VIRUS:  This virus were orginated from france during first world war at 1918-1921. In 19's due to pandaemic disease russia,  america   , France,britain,brazil,Germany including india and so on...countries were affected in that virus .Spanish flu have four cycle this vi

Secret country in world -history of country-security of leader

Today we discuss about secret country in the world.did you know which is secret country in the world ?I hope all answers are "NO". NORTH KOREA is the secret country in the world.   ABOUT NORTH KOREA:   We all know basics about korea like it is near china and korean leader is kim jong is east asia country apart from we learn something fresh of korea.     North korea is the king ruling country that country is surrounded with different rules and regulation .In that country there is no export and import the products from another country they are not depend of any country in world.In this modern world this is one of the amazing news ,north korean people were used their country own products in that time just think our India also..     NOW WE TALK ABOUT NORTH KOREAN PEOPLE :        Just we talk before about export and import products this is one of the amazing news heard from that country. Now we see about people...        For that people they dont know anything about what ha